Professional Reader

Friday, April 27, 2018

Why I Am Doing Book Reviews

 Have had a few people asking me lately why have I gotten into book reviews.  There are several reasons.  
 I love reading and I can never have enough books around me or on hand. 
  I purchase, borrow and rent loads of books every month and frankly I find a lot of the reviews on books really crappy. 
 There are the professional ones done by the publishers with paid reviewers who will only say how great something is because it is the hottest, the newest author, or the current fad to read a certain title or author.  That's all fine and wonderful for selling the books.and of course, that is the point However I think for those of us that truly love to read we require a bit more than what is popular or the in thing to be reading.
 Many reviews that I see on Amazon or other sites when checking out a book are little more than a grade school book report, or a repeated copy of the book synopsis from the site or back of a book. I'm a reader I've already read the description. 
 I prefer to know how did the book make you feel? Did you laugh,  cry,  get angry? Did you love the characters or hate them. Is the story told entertaining or did you learn something, better yet was it a great escape?  

 Book reviews give me the chance to read all types of genres and styles that I might have otherwise overlooked. I hope that when I do a review it gives that feeling to someone else so when choosing among the millions of books available Someone might say oh this sounds like something I'd read.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Book Review

While I really liked this story, I was disappointed that much of the story was left hanging for the next in the series. I will follow the series, but I do wish people writing series would not leave so much unanswered in a book.
That said, it was a very intriguing read and I found the story of the great poverty of the people and the differences in the classes of people sad. The story gives hope in the perseverance and strength of its characters. I will be following this series.